About this site
I will use this blog to share my unfiltered thoughts, opinions, and feelings. I have two other blogs. A personal blog, https://nicholasmullins.com, and a more professional blog, https://mullins.io.
About me
My name is Nick Mullins. I am an average guy living in Michigan. I am a husband, father, teacher, leader, software developer, gamer, and all-around geek. I enjoy playing and collecting video games. I currently have approximately 400+ physical games for many, many consoles, such as Gameboy, Genesis, Dreamcast, etc. I also play PC games. I like to watch football during the fall, both college and professional. I am also a basketball, baseball, and hockey fan.
I am currently employed as a Loyalty Delivery Director. All this title means is I lead teams of software developers. I spend my days in meetings. I miss writing code, but I love the fact that I get to advocate for and better the work lives of the developers that I work with. I am also an adjunct college professor teaching computer science courses, primarily game design.
I have a Bachelor's of science degree and a Master's of science degree from the University of Michigan - Dearborn. My undergrad major was software engineering with a focus on web engineering and game design. My Master's is in computer science.